Thursday, 13 June 2013

A Little Welcome

It's currently raining here on this ever so typical British afternoon and i thought that this would be the perfect time to start a blog as it's something that i have been wanting to do for quite some time. I've recently been really into reading blogs and watching youtube videos about health, fashion and beauty and thought to myself that maybe i should give it a go and see where it takes me.

I have been really inspired by so many women out there who have ventured out into the youtube world, however i don't feel as if i'm quite at that stage. I am by no means a professional when it comes to writing but I would just love to be writing about the things in life that interest me and i hope that whoever comes across this blog would be interested in whatever i decide to write about.

I hope you are all having a loving day whatever it is that you are doing. Please feel free to leave any comments about what it is that you like reading about or leave any advice you have for someone starting a new blog :).


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