Thursday, 13 June 2013

Mini Haul

I thought i would start my second post writing about some of my recent purchases that I've really been liking.
The first product i would like to talk about is the renewing Moroccan argan oil i picked up from boots for £6.99. It says on the bottle that it 'restores shine and softness' which i feel it does. Now i strongly believe in using natural products when i can, as i'm not very fond of the idea of using products full of harsh chemicals, so when i heard about the benefits of argan oil i wanted to give it a go since my hair had been looking a little dry lately. I have to say that it really does make my hair look smooth and feel nourished without giving it a greasy look. You only need a small amount to put through your hair and i would really recommend trying this product out if you're looking for a way to add some extra nourishment to your hair.

Here are some of the few benefits of Argan oil

  • Locks in moisture
  • Penetrates into the hair shaft enhancing its elasticity
  • Heals and restores dry/damaged hair
  • Strengthens hair

The next item i would like to talk about is this bracelet I picked up from New Look, as i have really been into Aztec type clothing and jewelry it was calling out to me. I bought it for £5.00, the bracelet itself is a lovely gold and i feel as if it just goes with anything, it's such a simple piece of jewelry that can be worn by itself and gives a nice touch to any outfit.

The last item i bought was another piece of jewelry, i'm not a big fan of earrings but when i saw these i thought it would make a nice change, i actually picked these up for free as there was a buy one get one free offer on at New Look and this was the cheaper item of the two . Again these earrings have an Aztec look and are a lovely shade of blue which i really like, the fact that it's also an ear cuff just adds something extra and slightly edgy.


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